Monday, July 09, 2007

A Boy's (Robot) Life

A Boy's (Robot) Life

Saturday night I went to see Transformers. The movie was better than I expected, and though a tad too long, kept me entertained till the end.
The movie had all the elements any teenage or pre-teen boy would love:

  • A hot chick
  • nerd teen hero who gets the hot chick
  • cars, trucks, jet fighters
  • stuff blowing up randomly and with great noise
  • ROBOTS!!!

Yeah, sure it's another summer schlockbuster, but has an innate coolness factor. Did I mention, it has ROBOTS!!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

llorando (mulholland drive)

Ceci n'est pas une pipe. -- Magritte

Eraserhead - Eraserhead Redux

Absurda profunda...


Keith says it all....
Bush and Cheney, OUT!!