Friday, May 06, 2005

Found Poetry of the Net

Ever notice those spam e-mails that contain all kinds of phrases, cobbled together? I get lots of them, and am certain the spammers must employ some kind of script to mangle random text they have gathered from somewhere, probably from some unsuspecting victims' Web pages.

Well, the other day I got one, and started reading it. While perusing the nonsense I was struck by an epiphany. This is almost poetic! So, you will find below a "poem" I carved out of spam and sewed into whole cloth. Enjoy!

Did Chrystal also sent you this?

Old, acquired by Lindblad
from the defunct Exploration--
they don't eat much--
but can't seem to
lose weight.
Rocky banks.
We visited the Nez Perce
Museum that
had eluded the founders of
flag protection then,
we dressed to the nines for
dinner every night.
Flapping in the ocean breeze,
how many of you have
day excursions or lectures?
If that wasn't sufficient,
most out of your life, you deserve.
In fact, dehydration
for bodybuilders, overweight
people wanting to lose
fat changes in structure
and a lot of changes in lifestyle:
the third or fourth read-through.
Fourthly, it sucks
Expeditions' Sea Lion -- which
we recently sampled
about the ship.
She was such a beautiful vessel,
with your knowledge of
arcane symbolism.
Assorted that you eat--
This is an interesting one!

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