Monday, April 23, 2007

Saturday Night at the Grindhouse

Last weekend, Clarence and I went to see "Grindhouse" at the Mira Mesa theater. What a great film! Both the Rodrigues and Tarantino halves were excellent, and I loved the faux previews of movies like "Machete" and "Thanksgiving."

It's really hard to make a tribute to bad movies that doesn't just run over into simple-minded parody, but R and T managed to make the movies entertaining stories in themselves, and not just bad take-offs. Yes, "Grindhouse" was pulpy and violent and lurid, which is just the way a 70s Exploitation Flick should be! There were so many rich moments, great images, and little inside jokes. Every frame had a jewel in it for those who cared to look.

I can't wait for "Grindhouse" on DVD. Definitely a collector's item and a cult favorite for years to come.