Thursday, February 26, 2004

Hmm ... that link for the article didn't work. Let's try it again!
Wel it's been raining lately. What is perhaps the last big storm of the season has been rolling through the county, leaving sewer spills and auto accidents in its wake. We will never learn, it seems.

But overall it's been a very good week for me. Last Friday, out of the blue, I got a call from the Currents Editor of the San Diego Union Tribune. "We're going to publish your article," he said. He added, "It's wonderful." Wow! I was taken aback. Finally, after months of struggling, a ray of hope shines through. If you're reading this blog and want to see the article online, go to this link:

Tonight, I have another class for Short Story II. It's been fun, so far, even if not as advanced as I had hoped. But then again, one gets out of a class in proportion to the effort one puts into it. Last week, I brought "Mother's Night" to the class and the other members of my group seemed to enjoy it. Tonight, it's "Europa's Children."

Movie-wise, I want to see "Hidalgo." It looks far more inspiring that Mel Gibson's dreadful Crucifixion film. Not that I won't go see Gibson's neo-Romanesque epic, but it's not as high on my priority list as it once might have been, despite having all dialog in either Aramaic or Latin. Any movie spoken in two dead languages can't be all bad!

Monday, February 09, 2004

Today is a beautiful, sunny day in San Diego. Highs expected to be in the low 70s, for all you snowbound people reading this.

Two newsworthy events of the past week. "Boobgate" and Bush's "Meet the Press" interview with Tim Russert. Of the former, need we say more? It wasn't the bare breast that was truly offensive, it was the entire Super Bowl halftime show. The thing was vulgar and unintelligible. Maybe if you were a regular MTV viewer and no more than 20 years old, the event was great. But the Budweiser-swilling middle-aged family guys who make up a preponderance of the Super Bowl's audience were unimpressed. The music industry is dying--and based on the product it purveys--the sooner the better. As long as the "stars" blow their money on coke-snorting, whore chasing and room-trashing, why should any of us feel pity for them? Or are we supposed to empathize with Sony Records? Go ahead and download all the "free" music you want, I say.

Now, for Bush, things don't look so great. Funny how a year can change everything. John Kerry's on the offensive, Bush is playing "prevent defense." I've not been a big fan of Kerry, but the ABB (Anybody But Bush) principle holds for now. It would also help if progressives (of whatever party) took back at least one of the houses of Congress. Otherwise, an elected Kerry will be an impotent Kerry.

Meanwhile, I've started a new career "ghostwriting" some people's papers. And you know who you are! But I'm happy to be doing it. Besides, I NEED the money!