Thursday, August 14, 2003

Well, here it is, the middle of August! I've been working on MTNI the last week and a half, and have it almost "in the can" now. Tomorrow I'll head to the printer to go over the proofs, and if all is well, give the issue my "imprimatur." I've almost got my "Thief of Lies" story ready to submit, but to whom? The horror market doesn't appear to be in good shape. Gone are the halcyon days of the 80s and 90s when any horror smack would sell! Too bad I wasn't writing the stuff then! But I wouldn't have been ready.... I'm a much more accomplished, wordly and mature writer now. Anyway, there's always the "hard science fiction" route, the crime drama/mystery, the historical romance, etc. I have ideas for them all.

Here are a few ideas I've been thinking about lately:

1) A time-displacement story, based on the latest temporal and end-of-time theories. What's beyond the END? There's this multiple brane theory, string theory, and the theory proposed by that New Zealander that time is not, as is commonly conceived, a series of discreet moments.

2) A story based on regular expressions! Uh... how? Dunno yet. But people always say "write what you know, and I do know regexps!

3) A follow-up to my "Probability" story, in which Carlisle and friend travel through multiple parallel universes via Carlisle's "Probability Engine."

4) A new story for WTIW, in which a cigar-store Indian is really an alien Robot come to rescue the lost tribes from genocidal homesteaders.

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