Sunday, October 12, 2003

Last Tuesday, we the citizens of the once mighty State of California managed to turn participatory democracy into a circus sideshow. We now have a governor-elect who believes Native American tribes are "special interests" but thinks it's ok to take $300,000 in contributions from land-developer magnate and Chargers owner Alex Spanos. The media-corporate oligarchy has managed to finally throw aside any pretense at good government. This has been the greatest usurpation of a weak central government by an Austrian since Odoacer ripped the crown from the feeble head of Romulus Augustulus.

If I were a Republican (which I most assuredly am not), I would have voted for McClintock, who at least gives the faintest impression of knowing what he's talking about. Even if there's no way in HELL he or Arnold could balance the budget by eliminating "waste, fraud and abuse." These Neanderthals (and I take the term lightly, as otherwise using it would be an insult to our thick-browed forebearers) have no problem with looting the public treasury for corporate givaways. And people like Jay Leno with his 150 cars and Arnold with his garageful of Hummers whine about the vehicle tax. I say, if the tax is so damn onerous, why don't they sell a few of their prestigemobiles? And speaking of Leno--I used to be a big fan of his before he became Schwarzenegger's semi-offical campaign spokesman. Hey Jay! Wake the hell up! It's no longer 1998! You can cut with the Clinton jokes now! If there's a place in one of the inner circles of hell for commedians, I hope Leno winds up spending eternity with Jerry Lewis and Roseanne Barr. If Schwarzenegger wants to inaugurate "hydrogen highways" so badly, why doesn't he just drill a friggen hole in the side of his head and let the hot gas out?

So, let's all get out our Bear Flags and dance around the campfire to the Horst Wessel song. All hail the Fuhrenator! (and pay no attention to the midget behind the curtain--it's not Gary Coleman, it's Pete Wilson).

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