Monday, November 17, 2003

My birthday, November 6, came and went without much fanfare. I went to dinner at Chin's on Miramar Road with my family (parents and Monica). Since my writing class was that night, I just went to the class and had Nancy read my story, "Beth and the Silver Box." The story got spontaneous applause after the reading, which made me happy. People genuinely seemed to like it, and even asked me how it ended (only the first five pages were read in class). I've submitted the work to Nancy, and am looking forward to reading her comments.

Recently, I went to see "Matrix Revolutions." It was a decent SF-adventure flick. I think people got too caught up in the philosophical implications and forgot that, at heart, the movie is just pulp entertainment. Plus, there's a strong sense of "been there, done that," with the epic battle scenes and the Uber Burly Brawl finale between Anderson and Smith.

Finally, there's more chemistry between Monica Bellucci's ample breasts than between Neo and Trinity during their final kissing scene.

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