Sunday, January 25, 2004

Today is another good day for space research. The Opportunity rover successfully set itself down on Meridiani Planum. It initially showed pictures quite different from the rock-strewn areas we've seen in the past. Intriguingly, there is a rocky outcropping within driving distance for the rover. Who knows what it will find?

In other news, looks like Howard Dean's goose is cooked. Kerry leads in New Hampshire and I believe he will win. Looks like Hillary's idea of sitting out this election while the current "bum crop" of Democratic candidates run headlong into the Republican buzz-saw, was the wise decision to make. Kerry will be lambasted as a Kennedy-liberal and Bush will coast to victory.

Today's weather--cool and cloudy. Around 61 for a high. Originally rain was predicted, but I don't see any now. I'm off to Ethan's baptism at 10:30.

I had dinner with Donna and Marina at Dead Lobster on Friday night! Much fun!

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