Monday, October 24, 2005

Horror for Christ

Horror for Christ

"The horror! The horror!" -- Colonel Kurtz

The other day on the Web I came across the following Newsweek story:

It seems Anne Rice has found--gasp--GOD! As she states in the article: "I promised that from now on I would write only for the Lord." Now, I'm all in favor of people pursuing and finding their own deity. If Ms. Rice is happy with her choice--great. But what's next? Stephen King the televangelist? Will the next conference of the Horror Writers Association have to open with a prayer breakfast?

Life is starting to seem like Night of the Living Dead, with Jesus Freaks as zombies. "They're coming to get you, Barbara!"

Remember the Simpsons?

Bart: "Dad, you shot the zombie Flanders!"
Homer: "He was a zombie?"

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