Thursday, January 12, 2006

Codex Alito Juridicum

Codex Alito Juridicum

It appears that Judge Samuel Alito will soon be appointed, or for the Religious Right, anointed, to the Supreme Court. Women, get your abortions now! Or get your coat hangers later....

Academically, Alito is qualified for the court. Princeton is no National University. And he has fifteen years of Federal judgeship behind him. Granting his intellectual qualifications, I would have preferred--and the country would have been better served--if the judge stood up for his beliefs before the Senate.

We all know he's against abortion and doesn't believe the constitution guarantees a right to it. He clearly stated this in his 1985 application to the Reagan Administration. Even his mother recently said so. So, why deny it now? Would Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and the Looney Toons of the American Family Association be so strident in his support if they did not believe he would turn the nation's civil rights clock back 100 years?

The Bush administration is one of the most incompetent, lying and corrupt administrations in the nation's history. So is Bush's Republican congress. With the conviction of Abramoff, there seems to be no end to the GOP's season of scandal. Even Pat Buchanan believes that the Elephants are on their way out of power, starting in 2006.  Yet, Roberts and Alito are 50 and 55 years of age, respectively. Long after Bush has slouched off toward well-deserved oblivion, the stink of his Supreme Court nominees will linger, like the stomach-turning stench of a clogged toilet in a gas-station men's room.

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