Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Siegfried and the Nibelungens [sic]

Siegfried and the Nibelungens [sic]

Apropos of nothing, I was watching a 2-part movie on Sci Fi Channel last night (I had recorded it from last week), and found it interesting. It was titled “Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King.” At first, I thought it was just another bit of Sword and Sorcery fluff, but then when the hero killed Fafnir and made off with his loot, including the RING, I knew something else was afoot. Indeed, this turned out to be a pop-culture retelling of Siegfried’s saga, replete with Brunhilde and lots of tragic romance. Not bad, overall, but I had to stifle a guffaw when one of the characters brandished “the ring of the Nibelungens.”

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