Friday, January 05, 2007

Bonne Année 2007!

New Year's Eve came and went without any fuss at my place. The Saturday before, I went to Bill and Vicki's place for a small party they held for Adam, their son. Adam was visiting from Washington, DC, where he works for a nonprofit progressive organization.

The Eve itself, my parents came over and we watched Ice Age II on DVD and ate pizza. They left about 11:00 pm. Nobody's into wild parties anymore! Getting old, I guess, though I certainly don't feel it in any other way.

Sci Fi had the usual Twilight Zone marathon going on Sunday and Monday. Even though I know every single episode by heart, I can't resist the old show's allure. What's more charming and fun-filled than a weekend in Black & White spent in the corpse-pale company of the late Rod Serling?

Finally, it took me all week, but I wended my way through Season I of Lost--Minda's great Xmas gift to me. It really helped me take my mind off stress and enjoy the mystery all over again. This being a slow TV weelk, it was even better to sit back and enjoy Kate, Jack, Hurley, Locke, and the rest. Better they suffer than I.... Isn't that the root of all dramatic fiction? The catharsis... purging of the emotions in a less harmful way.

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