Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Rest of the Story

So, that night, I lay awake and got practically NO sleep, thinking about yet another van repair bill. And that very Sunday morning, I had been boasting to my parents that I had the van back in cherry shape for the first time since the accident. And that came at no small expense, either! Around $1500 by my reconing, plus another $250 the Dept. of Rehabilitation sank into it.

"Pride goeth before a fall," as the saying goes. But then Monday morning I had the brilliant idea of getting Rehab back involved. I called Cathleeen, the counselor, and she got back to me about 4:45. The next day I had my van towed to the garage, where, unfortunately, it has sat ever since.

The whole stinking job is just a bad alternator, which should take no more than three hours. But, the state's precious paperwork comes first. The result is that my van is sitting at the garage on Miramar Road, instead of my parking space at Esplanade. And I will be stuck inside my home all weekend.

Argh!! But even with all the frustrations, I'll take slow and free over fast and expensive.

Laissez les bons temps roulez, mon fils!

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