Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Humble Worker...

Today Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany, 78 years old, was selected as the new Pope. He will take the name of Benedict XVI. He is one of the oldest Popes ever elected and the first Teutonic Pope since Victor II in the 11th Century.

Ratzinger is an arch-conservative who led the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under John Paul II. As Dean of the College of Cardinals, he was the most influential member and had been considered a front runner by most Vatican watchers. Although Ratzinger is a European, this move was clearly made to send a message to North American and European latitudinarians that the traditional doctrines of the church will continue unabated.

Of course, new Popes sometimes rise above their background and heritage, as John did in the 1960s. We will have to watch and wait to see the outcome. On the other hand, the Pope's chosen name aligns well with the Prophecy of Saint Malachy, who predicted this Pope would be "from the olive." The Benedictines are sometimes called "Olivetans." Not that Ratzinger is a Benedictine, but the choice of name implies a connection.

Meanwhile, I continue to work on my own writings with the hope of publishing a greater number of my works. My novel is moving along, albeit slowly.

I think I am getting cabin fever from hanging around the apartment too much. I am going to try an excursion later this week, just to get some fresh air and mingle with some people.

Tomorrow night, a new nurse, Clarence, will come to "orientate" [sic]. If he works out well, I'm sure I will be able to provide him with more hours.

Today Brad will install his old video card into my computer; it's a 128 MB GeForceFX. I'm looking forward to the enhanced performance over my old GeForce4 MMX 64 MB.

The weather is cool, cloudy and pleasant. Last night there were showers throughout the county.

Rehab continues to drag its feet over my van. If I'd had the money I would have just paid the $500 for the tiedowns and gotten it over with.

More later!

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