Friday, October 07, 2005

A Series of Unfortunate Coincidences

Doesn't it seem strange that, just about the time Karl Rove's fecal matter is about to splatter against rotating blades, there come a series of suspicious "terror attack" warnings? First, the New York subway scare, then the Washington Monument, and a Coke can in another city's subway station. Could the bomb threats be emanating from Rove's office, like the outing of Valerie Plame?

Rove's the master of dirty tricks in the most corrupt, secretive and paranoid administration in history. They are arguably the most incompetent as well, but that's another subject. If Rove could make up lies to assassinate the character of John McCain, it's not a great leap of the imagination to envision him stirring up trouble to keep his name off Page 1. Last night, for example, the Rove story had descended to third place in the CBS Evening News.

How convenient!

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