Friday, November 18, 2005

The Worst Legislation, Ever!

The Worst Legislation, Ever

Today I called my pharmacist to find out what Medicare drug plan he recommended. Exasperated, he told me that he's not even sure if he'll participate. The paperwork is tremendous, the reimbursement rate "almost zero." According to him, it's the "worst legislation in the history of the United States."

Way to go, Bushies! They are breaking the bank on a program the country doesn't need, while attempting today to reduce Medicaid and food stamps for the poor and disabled. We need a comprehensive solution to the healthcare crisis, not more corporate welfare! This was nothing but a sop thrown to Bush's supporters in Big Pharma, just like his energy bill was a favor for Big Oil and the Iraq War a quid pro quo for Halliburton.

People like me, who had comprehensive drug coverage through Medi-Cal, will see an erosion in service due to this legislation. There are 64 plans in the San Diego area alone! The elderly will be confused and many will not pick any plan because of it.

Government no longer serves the people. It serves a globalized corporate cabal that cares not one whit for workers, cultures, or freedom. At least the Neo-Fascist government of China is honest about the mingling of government and corporation; would that ours were so.

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