Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (NOT!)

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night (NOT!)

Today was a good day. My old friend Camelia dropped by for a surprise visit. I hadn’t seen her for two years. We had a very pleasant time catching up on each other’s news over Starbuck’s coffee and pastries.

Other than that, I continued my work, which remains both challenging and rewarding. Three years ago, I never would have envisioned myself slaving feverishly over manuals for remote controls! But, the manuals do what they’re supposed to, and so do I. Bonni is a fantastic person to work for, and I find myself at a loss for anything to complain about!

The weather this week has been pleasant, with some “May Gray” clouds lingering overhead. I love those clouds—no doubt about it.

I need to get back to my creative writing, which has slowed down due to all the technical work. I know I can do both!

One final thought: Impeach George Bush!

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