Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Science and "The Decider"

Science and “The Decider”

According to today’s news, the administration is spending large sums of taxpayer money to fund “laser-based anti-satellite system” for space. How about a laser-based system to run my car, morons! These people are killing NASA with their combination of champagne projects on beer budgets, yet they somehow manage to dig up money for technology that even the late Isaac Asimov would have thought preposterous.

Last time I checked, we were attacked by knife-wielding terrorists flying commercial airliners, not satellites. Why not spend our money where it will do the most good, such as defending homeland security or getting the country off foreign oil?

Another blow to “The Decider”: A new study refutes global warming critics. And then there’s this news on Evolution: species evolve faster on the equator than in temperate zones.  Which leads to a big question: If organisms were designed in perfection by an “intelligent designer,” or should I say, “intelligent decider,” then why would they need to continue evolving? Perfection does not admit change.

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